Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hair loss in cats

Hair loss in cats
The cat is a pet favorite of most people, and it is also familiar. It is very important to take their health in order to keep them healthy and happy, so you can enjoy your good company. Your pet may be cute, charming succumb to various diseases. The most common diseases of cats and kittens are upper respiratory infection, urinary tract infection, chronic renal failure, the cat disease and diabetes. Some other health problems are hairballs cats, worms (such as tapeworms, roundworms and hookworms), vomiting, chips, conjunctivitis, flu, ear mites, cat stress virus of feline infectious peritonitis, feline immunodeficiency virus feline leukemia, Lyme disease, abscesses and toothaches. You can see that. Some general indications that your cat does not feel well, as changes in behavior, changes in appetite or disposal, and changes in the appearance of your cat
Hair loss in cats, also known as alopecia, is one of the most common health problems and is caused by various diseases and problems. Some hair loss is normal and necessary, but also other types of hair loss, you need to see a doctor. Your cat may lose your skin by several possible causes, such as gland diseases, mites, fleas, ticks and allergies.
A common reason is an allergy to flea bites. Since cats are allergic to flea bites, a single flea bite can cause intense and sustained response.Other mites, cats can also make your skin. Many species of mites known to a condition such as scabies, lead to cat chewed to get rid of can cause itching.Ringworm is also responsible for hair loss in cats, especially around the ears, face and feet. Hair loss is seen in small plots and gray skin is dry and flaky. Very young kittens and long-haired cats are more prone to it.Some glandular diseases such as Cushing's disease, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism in cats Hair loss can cause, usually symmetrical on both sides. This condition may result from an overproduction of steroids by the adrenal glands.Abscess localized pain that often lick cats, which can lead to hair loss.Food allergies are clearly responsible for hair loss. Cats can suffer from an allergy to ingredients surplus food itch and scratch your body, which can lead to hair loss. Allergies to inhaled substances such as pollen or dust can cause similar symptoms.Psychogenic alopecia is another major reason for hair loss. Your cat may make your skin more by psychological factors such as anxiety, nervousness, stress or anxiety. This condition is very common, because cats are very sensitive to their environment. If it change a change in their environment by moisture, food or exposure to other animals and cats come to develop allergic skin reactions.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Like hair loss can affect the appearance and overall health of your cat, you must have a veterinary treatment for your cat. The vet prescribed a series of tests to identify the exact cause of hair loss, such as fingerprints Scotch, mushroom cultivation, and scratching of the skin biopsy. General health tests, including complete blood count and tests of hormones and organ function also performed in order to determine chronic diseases. If no physical cause is found trying, then, to find veterinary behavioral factors.
Processing option, pursuant to the specific cause of hair loss. If due to flea bites, with preservatives safe and effective flea and inflammation can be treated, because bite can be treated with antihistamines or steroids. Mites and ringworm infections can be treated with oral and topical medications. For diagnosis and treatment, you can use a hypoallergenic diet or feed test treatment with anti-inflammatory. Your cat's diet should. Other supplements essential fatty acids like omega-3 fatty acids Anti-anxiety medications are effective for the problem of hair loss in cats because of a behavior problem.
Prompt treatment of this problem in cats is important to make it comfortable and fun. Finally, your cat is a good companion for you, right?

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